Monday, July 26, 2010

Issues that Remain

[We wanted to get you all information as soon as possible, so this post is being put up as we write it. Forgive its partial nature and be sure to check back for updates. You can click on (most of) the links for a more in depth discussion of the issue.]

Despite bargaining being stalled, we have made some progress at the table, both in the economic realm and on non-economics.

There are still eight issues on which the UO and the GTFF do not agree. There are four things we want and four things they want.

What the GTFF wants:

Objective Criteria for Satisfactory Academic Progress: Departments would be required to use only objective criteria for firing or refusing to hire a GTF based on academic progress. The UO wants to retain their right to use subjective judgments to fire and/or refuse to hire GTFs.

Fees: A $25 reduction of the amount we pay for the incidental fee and the elimination of course fees. The UO's proposals would not change the current language on fees. No reduction of the incidental fee, no change to the policy on course fees.

Contract Enforcement:
Access to departmental rankings lists for the purposes of prosecuting grievances. The UO does not accept our language.

Maximum Class Size: Departments would be required to state in the GDRSes the maximum number of students assigned to a teaching GTF. The UO rejects this proposal.

What the UO wants:

Loss of Summer Insurance
: GTFs who graduate in Spring term would no long be eligible for the summer subsidy. We say no to this take-back.

Future of GTFF Health Insurance: The UO would like to form a joint committee to explore the future of GTFF health insurance behind closed doors. We have rejected this proposal as unnecessary.

Health Care Costs
: The UO wants to pay only 90% of the first 10% increase in the cost of health insurance costs and 100% of all costs increases over 10%. We propose that they pay 95% of the first 10% increase in the cost of health insurance costs and 100% of all costs increases over 10%.

More Bargaining, More Costs: The UO would like the parties to meet in the summer of 2011 to bargain over splitting cost increases that result from changes to our health insurance plan mandated by Congress through health care reform. We think these changes should be considered part of the base plan and fall under our other health care agreement.

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